Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Parenting: Abuse and Neglect Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The solemn responsibility of being parents to a child is grave, and the consequences are immense should they fail in any of the areas of parenthood. On the contrary, when it comes to deliberately hurting a child, or causing damage to their psyche’ as a person, the term â€Å"failure† would not be adequate or appropriate to describe its effects. Whether abusing or neglecting a small person, studies reveal that the results are almost the same: the destructive effects are colossal and prevailing for almost all of the rest of the child’s life. This paper attempts to describe, explain and enumerate various factors that point to parental abuse and neglect. It argues that though neglect and abuse may not have the same exact results or degree to the child or victim, both exhibit dire outcomes in the overall functioning and existence of the life of the child. Problem Statement   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The following statements of the problem guide the direction of this study with the succeeding chapter providing the description towards these problem statements. Answers to the problems are incorporated in the analysis and discussion of the findings and results. Statement of the Problem What is parenting abuse? What is parenting neglect and the manners that parents show or demonstrate this negative aspect in a child’s life? What are the facts to consider regarding family factors, the victim, and the perpetrator on the problem? Methodology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The researcher utilized the convenience and accessibility of the World Wide Web and/or the internet, other books and journals available to the researcher. III. Analysis and Discussion of Findings and Results of study Parenting Abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As cited by Dr. Richard Gardner in the American Journal of Family Therapy (Gardner, 2002p.6), parental abuse may take many and varied forms. Some of them are subtle and may be very difficult to identify especially when proving them in the court of law. However, parental abuse occurs when a parent treats a child in a manner that results in physical injury, emotional or psychological harm, or anything that might cause the child to be exposed to serious threats such as deprivation of necessary parental benefits which eventually results in lifelong incapacity in the life of the child (Hay, Tom. 1997 in Whipple and Webster-Stratton, 1991). When the parent abuses his/her position of trust, that of being the child’s guardian and caregiver, the consequent result are maltreatment and exploitation. This is, basically, parenting abuse. Parental Neglect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is parenting neglect, and what are its manifestations or the manners that parents show or demonstrate this negative treatment of a child? Parental neglect is definitely a form of parental abuse. It is defined as a disregard of the fundamental responsibilities on the part of parent, or parents, to provide for the child’s emotional, psychological, and physical development. When parents fail to provide an atmosphere where a child can feel loved, wanted, and sheltered within home environment, parental neglect is taking place. If the parents are constantly physically unavailable, or physically present but inattentive to the child’s legitimate needs, they are essentially abandoning their primary duty as guardians. Although not easily identified as physical assault, parental neglect is equally serious and as damaging to a child ((Hay, Tom. 1997 in Rodgers, 1994, p. 14). Factors that Contribute to the Overall Set-up of Abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Facts point to many factors that must be considered when dealing with parental abuse and neglect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Family Factors. Child abuse happens anywhere in the population regardless of socio-economic status of the neighborhood. It occurs even when the family is religious or totally agnostic, or in families from culturally diverse backgrounds. Nonetheless, studies reveal the greater tendency for those coming from the lower economic echelon to experience neglect ((Hay, Tom. 1997 in Trocme et al., pp.  94-98).   There is a higher incidence too, for physical abuse (but not so much with emotional abuse) among the poverty stricken (Hay, Tom. 1997 in Jones and K. McCurdy, 1992, pp. 201-215). Unemployment in the family system is a contributor to stress which results to the likelihood of ill-treatment ((Hay, Tom. 1997 in Krishnan and Morrison, 1995, pp. 101-113).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Victim. As early as in prenatal stage, abuse can take place. If a pregnant mother is alcohol or drug user, it poses a real threat to the child in the womb. The tendency of the baby to be born with birth defects is very high and might cause retardation in physical or mental growth. The high threat that is posed to a child in the belly of a self-destructive mother cannot be underestimated. If perchance the child is successfully carried to its full term, damage has already been done by consistent substance abuse. The usual objects of abuse are children – preschoolers and infants (Hay, Tom. 1997 in Hegar et al., 1994, pp. 170-183). It might be that because children are naturally weak, they are predisposed to maltreatments, and are often overlooked by parents when arguing which at times culminate in aggression. As is always the case, children are the ultimate victims in abusive homes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Abuser. As often is the case, parents who are abusive were themselves abused in their childhood years. Many of this kind are not ready for family life. They get none or little enjoyment from their experience as parents. These tend to isolate themselves from their community and have a way of controlling their families which is unnatural. The way they manage their households is through authoritarian means. Experts noted that abusive parents are usually afraid to expose themselves or be vulnerable, and are emotionally weak and therefore unable to ask for help or support from social work organizations, or at least from concerned relatives (Hay, Tom. 1997 in Caliso and Milner, 1994, pp. 27-44). Conclusion and Recommendations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Because of the increasing number of cases of child custody in courts, rules and regulations as to who will be the rightful custodian of the child in contest are several times expanded. The pros and cons of different sides of the issues are weighed carefully and from these amendments came the existing balancing of â€Å"tender-years presumption,† â€Å"best-interests-of-the-child presumption,† and the â€Å"joint-custodial concept.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is assumed that because mothers are female, and therefore naturally more doting to their children, they are viewed as inherently better than men when it comes to child-rearing. This is the presupposition under the tender-years presumption. And so, because of this heavy leaning of the law on the side of the mothers, the father seeking for the custody of his child must present convincing proofs to the court of the deficiencies on the part of the mother for the court to give some consideration in transferring to the father primary custodial status. Here enters the best-interests-of-the-child presumption. It ignores gender in custodial considerations. Instead, its focus is on the capacities of both parents in raising the child. Factors are carefully considered, especially those that relate to the child’s best interests. Often, fathers are on the advantageous side in this argument and have greater opportunity to secure primary custody status. The decade of 80’s has witnessed a burgeoning of child custody litigations and it was during this decade that the joint-custodial concept has become the prevailing trend in matters of child guardianship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While courts of law has become sharper, and should I say, fairer, in meting out its judgment on child custody, it nonetheless created unintentionally a problem resulting from the constant amending and polishing of regulations in child custodianship. Parents in disputes, have now learned (either one of them or both) to manipulate and program the child to become alienated to the other parent. Experts call this problem â€Å"Parental Alienation Syndrome.† A parent who has the upper hand learns to scheme and make the child hostile to the estranged spouse in order to enhance his/her position in the course of the proceedings. PAS is a childhood disorder and is the actual result of the parents’ battle over the child in the court. If the child becomes hostile to one of his/her parents and engages in active campaign of denigration against this parent, the likelihood is that this child has been the victim of programming (brainwashing) by the other parent. This is parental alienation syndrome. And it uses the child in the campaign of vilification of the target parent (Gardner, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is a pathetic scenario. Either of the parents definitely will finally win his/her case, but the one ending up to be the real loser is the child. Actually, the whole affair is itself an abuse of the child. Family is supposed to be a home and a place for children to grow healthy physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Home is not supposed to be a tug of war between parents where the rope being pulled is the child. Abuse and neglect should never become part of parenting styles. Reference Gardner, Richard. 2002. Parental Alienation Syndrome vs. Parental Alienation: Which diagnosis should evaluators use in child-custody disputes? The American Journal of Family Therapy, 30 (2): 93-115.New York:   Ã‚   Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in R.L. Hegar, S.J. Zuravin and J.G. Orme, â€Å"Factors    predicting severity of physical child abuse injury,†   Ã‚  Ã‚   Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 9(2), 1994, pp.    170-183. Accessed July 7, 2007 Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in E.E. Whipple and C. Webster-Stratton, â€Å"The role of parental   Ã‚   stress in physically abusive families,†   Ã‚  Ã‚   Child Abuse and Neglect, 15(3), 1991,pp.  279-291.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed July 7, 2007   Ã‚   Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in K. Rodgers, â€Å"Wife assault: The findings of a    national survey,† Juristat Service Bulletin, Accessed July 7, 2007   Ã‚   Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper:in Trocme et al., supra note 6, pp.  94-98. Accessed   Ã‚   July 7,2007 Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in   Ã‚   D. Jones and K. McCurdy, â€Å"The links between   Ã‚   types of maltreatment and demographic characteristics    of children,’† Child Abuse and Neglect, 16(2), 1992, pp. 201-215. Accessed July 7, 2007 Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in V. Krishnan and K.B. Morrison, â€Å"An  ecological model of child maltreatment in a Canadian province,†   Ã‚   Child Abuse and Neglect, 19(1), 1995, pp. 101-113.    Accessed July 7, 2007   Ã‚   Hay, Tom. 1997. 87 child abuse and neglect overview paper: in J.A. Caliso and J.S. Milner, â€Å"Childhood physical    abuse, childhood social support and adult child abuse potential,† Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 9(1), 1994, pp. 27-44. Accessed July 7, 2007   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Best Friend Comparison

Many people have two best friends that are similar and different in many ways. These similarities are usually in age, attitude, and interests; on the other hand, some of the differences between these two friends can include height, beliefs, goals, ethnicities, cultures, and much more. Some people may not find any similarities or differences in their best friends, and others may find many similarities and differences in their friends.However, I find three distinct similarities and three differences within these similarities between my two best friends Daniella and Ashley, which allows me to see that despite these similarities and differences, they are still my best friends. Both Daniella and Ashley have boyfriends, but both boys are treated differently. Daniella and Ashley both live with their mom, but one house is cleaner then the other. Finally, Daniella and Ashley are both very smart, but one applies this smartness more then the other.My two best friends, Daniella and Ashley have b oyfriend. They both have been in their relationships for about 3 years, and they both met their boyfriends in freshman year of high school. Despite the similarity of both having boyfriends for the same amount of time, they treat their boyfriends differently. Daniella treats every moment with her boyfriend as if it were their last moment together. For example, every weekend, she picks her boyfriend up for a date. On the other hand, Ashley takes her boyfriend for granted.For instance, every other weekend, Ashley's boyfriend will pay for dinner and they never go on any dates. Both of my friends have boy friends, but Daniella treats her boyfriend with more respect than Ashley. In addition, Daniella and Ashley live with both their mom in a house. Daniella and Ashley both live in the same neighborhood as me. However, Daniella keeps her house immaculate. Her house is always clean and everything is in order. For example, her carpets always look brand new. Her bathroom is spotless, and her k itchen has everything organized, with the dishes always put away.Ashley's house looks like a tornado ran through it. Ashley's house is always a disaster. For instance, Ashley always has clothes all over the place and shoes everywhere. Her bathroom is completely disgusting. Her kitchen has filthy dishes all over the place and food on the floor. Her place also smells, unlike Daniella's house. Both of my friends live with both their mom in a house, but Daniella clearly knows how to maintain her home, while Ashley either does not care or does not know how to keep a clean home.Finally, both of my best friends, Daniella and Ashley, are extremely smart. Both of them speak very well and read lots of books daily. Daniella and Ashley usually get through the same book in the same amount of time, which is a 200-300 page book every four to five days. Both of my friends know how to discuss the text and analyze it. However, Daniella applies this talent to her schooling and future goal of becoming an Athletic Director, while Ashley does not apply herself at all. Daniella goes to all her classes and passes them with straight A's and B's.On the other hand, Ashley still, after many years, goes to school, but usually has to repeat her courses because she does not go to class regularly, and she is lazy to do the work. If Ashley did apply himself, I believe she would be the same to Daniella and also doing well in school. Either way, both are smart, but one applies herself, while the other does not. In conclusion, my two best friends Daniella and Ashley share many similarities, but within these similarities, they are both different.Both Daniella and Ashley have boyfriends, live with their mom in a house, and they both are very smart. However, Daniella treats her boyfriend with respect and takes him on dates every weekend, while Ashley never checks in with her boyfriend or buys him gifts or go on dates. Daniella's house is very clean and has everything in order. Her dishes are always clean, and her carpets are spotless, while Ashley's house is disgusting. Her bathroom is filthy, and her dishes are always dirty.Ashley also always has clothes all over her floor as well as shoes throwed everywhere. Finally, Daniella and Ashley are very smart and read a lot, but Daniella applies her smartness to school and future, while Ashley fails to discipline herself to move on with school. Either way, my two best friends may have similarities that differ in many and various ways, but one similarity that has no differences is that they are my best friends, and I care about them equally.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The concept of genre in studying Die Hard. (1988) Assignment

The concept of genre in studying Die Hard. (1988) - Assignment Example 67). In order for a successful Action film, the expectations of the readers ought to be fulfilled to enable the listeners to be fascinated and interested. Action is the most appropriate genre that I have chosen with respect to the Die Hard film of 1988. The entire movie is an action genre movie. Genres in respect to film are diverse forms of recognizable classifications of films recurrent with similar acknowledgeable patterns, syntax and filming conventions that include: backgrounds and props, substance and subject matter, themes, period, mood, motifs, structures, plot, circumstances, central narrative events, recurring icons, characterizations and stars. Numerous films are viewed as hybrids because they include multiple film genres. With regards to definitions, genre itself is a French word meaning type or kind. It can, therefore, be said the kind of a movie is principally the type or category a movie falls into for instance Comedy, action, western, thriller, horror and numerous others (Wright, 2004 p. 35). Genres are also sub-classified according to unique qualities for example horror genre, sub-classes are the supernatural, gothic, ghost films, occult, monster movies, slashers, psychological horror, body horror, gore movies, splatter and many others (Dixon, 2000 p. 101). Some film professionals develop new genres and sub-genres to explain amalgamation of films such as action comedies. Universally, nonetheless, many films created in a given type, for instance, film noir follow the fundamental construction and plot shapes of that particular kind. Genres assist the audience in movie choice as well as indicate for whom a given film was created and what they should anticipate seeing for instance in an action film such as the Die hard, the audience expect to see hard work that involve, use of heavy artillery, use of choppers, massive destruction of vehicles,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Great Depression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Depression - Term Paper Example After the stock market crash, the most of the securities have depreciated sharply, and much of the loans have become irrecoverable, while there was a sharp reduction in banks resource base as a result of massive withdrawals of deposits of population, declining balances enterprises. As a result of the bankruptcy of banks took massive character. At the end of 1930 bank depositors began a run that led to a wave of bank failures. As a result, in the United States began absolute monetary contraction. Second banking panic occurs in the spring of 1931. All these months, the authorities did not respond to the increasing pace of economic tsunami. GDP in 1930-1931 years falls respectively by 9.4 and 8.5% and the unemployment rate rises from 3.2 % at the beginning of 1930 to 15.9 % by the end of 1931. The unemployment rate in 1932 increased to 23.6 %. A little over three years since the crisis have lost their jobs for more than 13 million Americans. Industrial stocks have lost 80 % of their value since 1930, while livestock prices have fallen by 53% since 1929. For three years went bankrupt two out of every five banks and their depositors lost $ 2 billion in deposits. Money supply in 1929 was reduced by 31% on face value. Because of the reduction in effective demand, prices for agricultural products fell by 40-60%. Also the Great Depression in the United States was marked by tremendous growth in unemployment, it started under a Republican administration of President 31st American President Herbert Hoover, who promised during the election campaign "prosperity" for people. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the Hoover administration was not a federal program to combat unemployment. Hoover believed that the problems of the unemployed must address to state governments and urban municipalities. However, almost all industrial cities have become bankrupt, so left without

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gender differences and oral health behavior Research Paper

Gender differences and oral health behavior - Research Paper Example With increasing research indicating that one’s periodontal health may be related to overall health, never has it been more important to ensure the health of your teeth and gums. You cannot be healthy unless you are periodontally healthy† (Clem cited in, 2012). However, there is sufficient research to demonstrate a difference in the behaviors and attitudes of men and women towards dental hygiene and care, with the former generally considered to be not quite as particular about maintaining dental hygiene and care as the latter. A vast majority of the research works conducted so far have found a greater tendency in the girls to take care of their dental hygiene and adopt positive attitudes and behaviors towards dental care as compared to boys while studies many studies conducted upon older men and women have found similar trends of dental care and behaviors and attitudes towards it. This suggests that age might be an important depicter of the behavior and attitude an individual adopts for the dental hygiene and care. This imparts the need to study the correlation between age, gender, and attitudes and behaviors towards dental hygiene and care. Identification of gender differences and oral health behavior of adults is fundamental to the development of ways in which both men and women can be convinced to change their behaviors towards the dental hygiene for the better. This research will provide a more holistic view of the attitudes and behaviors of females and males towards the dental hygiene and care as the research will be conducted upon adult men and women. Results of this research will contribute towards the knowledge of effect of both age and gender upon an individual’s tendency to adopt positive attitude and behavior towards the dental hygiene and care. Fukai, Takaesu, and Maki (1999) studied the link between general health habits and oral health behavior in both men and women and found a direct

Some Abortions are Immoral and Some are Moral Essay

Some Abortions are Immoral and Some are Moral - Essay Example The debate on 'Why would a mother choose to end her own child's life' is never ending. There are various moral, ethical, health and legal issues involved. Abortion not only effects mother and her baby but also the rest of the family members: father, siblings of baby, grandparents, friends and everyone else involved in the process. 1. Measure of birth control: 98% of abortions result as a measure of birth control. It is the leading cause of death in America. Since no birth control method is 100% effective, women opt for a termination in case of an unplanned pregnancy ("Abortion 101,"n.d.). 2. Teenage Pregnancy: One of the major reasons of teenage pregnancy is unawareness. Most of these pregnancies are unintended resulting from unsafe sex. Teens choose abortion as they are not prepared to become parents at such an early age of life. In 1999, over 148,000 teenage pregnancies ended in abortion. Most of the abortions are performed without the consent and knowledge of parents. The best measure to prevent the teenage pregnancy is the education about safe sex and support of parents (Alford, 2003). 3. Rape and incest: Rape and incest victims account for 1% of the abortion cases ("Abortion 101,"n.d.).Abortion is often seen as a solution to the problem. But it can have serious long lasting effects on the mother such as depression, guilt, anger, loneliness. (Reardon, 1994). 4. Single parenting: In many cases, woman's partner may not support her in pregnancy and wants to go ahead with the abortion. This leaves mother in dilemma to choose birth or abortion. Understanding the problems faced by single mothers in the society, mother may opt for an abortion ("Why Do Women Have Abortions," 2006). 5. Financial issues: Some mothers consider that they are not financially sound to support their child after birth. This situation may lead to inadequacy of indispensable resources in upbringing of the child. The future and security of both the mother and the child are at risk. Most of the times this situation is due to single parenting ("Why Do Women Have Abortions," 2006). 6. Pregnancy due to a dishonest premarital or extramarital relationship: Pregnancy resulting from an illicit relation may ruin a women's family and social life. It may have serious impact on other family members such as her husband, other children, in laws and friends. 7. Pregnancy as a hurdle in education and career: College age women form the major abortion carrying group. Pregnancy is seen as hurdle in realizing their dreams. 8. Gender selection: It is also a major cause of abortions, especially in Asian countries like India and China. Families who do not have enough funds to raise and educate many children, opt for sons who will eventually earn for the family in future and abort girl child with the fear of raising her to be married into someone's else's home. 9. Domestic violence issues: Women subjected to domestic violence in their families do not want to give birth and raise their babies in such an environment and choose an abortion over birth. 10. Birth defects detected in the babies: If the medical tests detect birth defects in the babies, mothers can opt

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparison of Healthcare, Nursing Care, and Nursing education in the Research Paper

Comparison of Healthcare, Nursing Care, and Nursing education in the US and Ireland - Research Paper Example Barring a few exceptions such as Veterans Healthcare Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program and TRICARE, the health insurance in the United States is predominantly provided by the private firms (Sultz & Young, 2008). Many of the Americans and their families are extended health insurance by their employers. Yet, a great many Americans are left uninsured. The US spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other nation in the world (Herzlinger, 2007). In fact a large chunk of the national income is spent on healthcare every year. Considering the very high cost of healthcare in the United States, the country has the third highest healthcare budget in the world (Herzlinger, 2007). Irrespective of the gargantuan healthcare expenditure, when it comes to parameters like infant mortality and life expectancy, the US tends to fall behind other developed nations (Herzlinger, 2007). Though there are many government funded healthcare programs, yet they are mostly limited to the veterans, the elderly, the poor, children, and disabled (Armstrong & Armstrong, 1999). Luckily, as per the federal laws, the citizens are allowed a free access to the emergency services, irrespective of their ability to pay (Armstrong & Armstrong, 1999). The hospitals, doctors and the medical personnel in the United States are primarily funded by the insurance pla ns and the payments received from the patients (Roth, 2010). Also, there are also many inequities in the US healthcare system in the context of ethnicity and financial status (Roth, 2010). Besides, United States is one of the only two countries in the world that allows the pharmaceutical companies to engage in direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs, thereby further adding to the cost of healthcare (Roth, 2010). The current Obama administration has given way to many healthcare reforms like Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Healthcare and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Online Start-Up Plan (MAKING MONEY ONLINE) Essay

Online Start-Up Plan (MAKING MONEY ONLINE) - Essay Example Committed to customer service, the ABC Company will offer its clients the type of service that is courteous as well as punctual. Employees of the company will as well be treated in a proficient behaviour with a satisfying working atmosphere along with fair compensation. The ABC Company wants every customer to feel as though he or she has gotten a first class service at a bargain price. Objectives 1. To offer a extensive variety of commodities at affordable prices 2. To attain a good profit margin during the first year 3. To attain a modest net profit by the end of second year 4. To be a dynamic as well as vocal member of the society, and offer constant re-investment by means of contribution in community actions as well as monetary involvements Keys to Success In order to achieve something and to attract more customers in this business the ABC Company must: 1. Sell an extensive collection of products 2. Offer products and service in a manner that give 100% satisfaction to the customer s 3. Be an dynamic part of the society 4. Promote input from customers The E-Business Model The business model used by the company is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing (Lindahl & Rozek, p. 76, 2010) has been a very successful business model and there are many reasons for this. One does not have to have the personal product; there are little funds needed for getting started, and the vendor takes care of all the issues. Another positive part of affiliate marketing is that there are a lot of products and services you can pick from market.  For any interest, passion, or area in which someone has knowledge, there are products and services he can advertise, which makes it more appealing (Lindahl & Rozek, p. 109, 2010).  The first step company should take is to choose a suitable niche. By choosing a niche, it will be much convenient to write articles, web pages, blog posts, as well as other content essential to endorse the product. Therefore, in general it makes a great internet business model. The difficulty is that, like some other online business, it does need a large amount of time as well as dedication to make a start. However, once up and running the attempt is worth it. Nonetheless, as with any business, there is no such option of ‘getting rich quickly’. You are required to put in the time as well as effort in order to start getting benefits (Lindahl & Rozek, p. 76, 2010). Operational Issues Two significant chores facing risk managers are decisions regarding the assessment of loss and risk financing. In the quantification of risk or financial impact, sophisticated risk models can support if the correct efforts, as well as indicators are provided. Loss as well as denial of service will call for a business impact analysis in addition to the development of a network stability plan to correctly measure the potential for financial loss and lessen the severity of such a loss. Other risks will need significant evaluation if public records asso ciated to cybercrime and cyber attacks has been mainly subjective or based on unknown surveys. In addition, estimations of possible losses associated to Internet-based technologies must take into consideration the developing and indecisive universal legal and regulatory setting. Risk evaluations based only on direct revenues from

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How William Wordsworth's poem She dwelt among the untrodden ways Essay

How William Wordsworth's poem She dwelt among the untrodden ways demonstrates how love elevates a person's importance and beau - Essay Example The poem is composed of three stanzas with rhyming words although the rhymes were not consistent like in the second stanza where ‘tone’ and ‘one’ are not rhyming words as opposed to ‘eye’ and ‘sky’. Such use of rhymes has set a tone that captures the reader’s thoughts to the picture the poet painted in his poem as he wove his words to express his thoughts and feelings towards his subject. Reading the poem aloud also emphasizes the effect of the rhymes in the poem, guiding the reader when to use peaks and valleys when reading orally. Though the poem is a short one, it has basically used a lot of the elements of poetry in addition to the one aforementioned. Symbolism is another strong element used in the poem that added to the beauty and depth of the meaning of the poet’s words. An example of which would be the use of the word ‘springs’ in the first stanza which connotes wisdom and life-nurturing elements. T he woman who is the subject in the poem might have been an ordinary person who lived an ordinary life but to those who have lived with her, saw her as a spring or source of wisdom and nurturing that her physical features were surpassed by those which were beautiful from within her. Metaphorically, the woman was compared to a violet that is hidden from the world’s view.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Speech Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Speech Outline - Essay Example A. Main point 1: I was confronted with the reality of the tough economic conditions that were unfortunately vital form my survival. 1. Subordinate point: In order to survive in college, every student needs sufficient tuition fees, accommodation funds and upkeep money. a) Support: However, the cost of these three things doesn’t come cheap. My humble family background did not guarantee me sufficient funds to keep up. (Transition: All of a sudden I was forced to rethink my education priority and evaluate adaptive solutions that would help me survive the tough campus life.) B. Main Point 2: It was time for me to undertake a significant course of action that would not undermine my education objective but rather supplement it. 1. Subordinate point: I chose to undertake a part time job after study hours. a) Support: I figured out that the part-time job was necessary in boosting my financial obligations in college. 2. Subordinate point: I equally decided to increase my private study time during the weekends after works. a) Support: This was in account of the fact that I had to recover the private study hours lost at work over the week. (Transition: With time, I grew increasingly appreciative of money and was at times tempted to abandon my studies and join the labour force. However, I came to realise that both employment and education were independent of each other.)

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Iliad And The Epic Style Essay Example for Free

The Iliad And The Epic Style Essay ‘Epos’ which   is the root Greek word for â€Å"epic†Ã‚   means , â€Å"early, unwritten narrative poetry, celebrating incidents of heroic traditions.(Rees.1966). High seriousness and elevated style are associated with epic, which is evidenced in the convention of Invocation at the start of an epic. In Iliad the poet invokes the muse to assist his dedicated labour:   â€Å"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles Pleiades/the ruinous anger that woes on the Danna’s brought.† Aristotle in his Poetics describes epic as seeing life as a whole. We see in the Iliad, the epic song as the expression of an entire nation or race, the epic spans a long period of action (at least 10 years of siege and conquest of Troy by the Achaeans). Critics named as ARCHITECTOINICS, the controlled power and design of the epic, in which the poet managed a vast canvass spanning oceans and including the gods in its scope; at the same time never wavering from its central design: the revenge of Achilles and the conquest of Troy are epic subject of the Iliad. Homeric similes and epithets became conventions following the Iliad where Homer constantly engages stock epithets like â€Å"fleet-footed Achilles†,† wine-dark sea† or â€Å"rose fingered dawn†. The epic simile is a device by which the poet would temporarily deviate from his subject while he is making a long drawn out comparison, which in itself stands like a descriptive poem independent of the subject. For example the reaction of Hector on hearing the encouraging words of Apollo in Canto 15 of the Iliad, where the poet launches a detailed comparison of a horse   highly descriptive and grand in its flow, as a parallel to the reviving spirits of Hector.(â€Å"Like a stalled horse fed to the full in the manger/breaks loose from his halter..etc.†) Other conventions like war council, elaborate games and competitions started with Iliad where Achilles is shown throwing a grand Game show after the funeral of his friend Petroclus. The intervention of gods in the destinies and affairs of men is a constant epic feature, called the â€Å"epic Machinery†. The seeds of disaster were in the Olympian incident of Paris son of Priam and prince of Troy acting as Judge in a Beauty competition among Goddesses, Aphrodite, Hera and Athena. Paris decides in favor of Aphrodite as she grants his wish of getting for wife the most beautiful woman. He meets Helen ,wife of Menelaus king of Greece, and abducts her to Troy and thus the Great War starts. It is God Apollo who guides Paris to kill Achilles by sending an arrow at his heels; the fire gods fashion the armor for the invincible Achilles.The gods represent inexorable Fate,in whose grip men are powerless; in whose hands men are puppets. The personae are all divine in origin too. Helen and Achilles’ parentage goes back to Zeus and the sea nymph Thetis respectively; Zeus Athena and Hera have direct stakes in the war, which is but an extension of their strife to control one another. Catalogues of chieftains who participate in the war and the list of the ships launched by Menelaus, which again are part of epic conventions, give an exalted setting to the heroic struggle. The revenge of Hector, the wrath of Achilles, the prolonged siege of Troy   provide the grand and solemn background   against which the characters like Agamemnon Ajax and Hector acquire supernatural stature. The Iliad has highly descriptive passages on the life in Troy, the tragic aspects of war, on friendship and simple aspects of life. The scene of Hector taking leave of his wife is immortal poetry, and the epic itself is a moving expression of heroism high Idealism. And patriotism. The Heroes themselves are partly historic and partly mythical, legendary characters.`   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   REFERENCE: S.O. Andrew M.J. Oakley, (translators) Homer’s Iliad, 1960.London JM Dent SonsLtd. RJ Rees, An Introduction To English Literature,(p.46-50).1966.Macmillan,London.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [emailprotected][emailprotected][emailprotected][emailprotected][emailprotected]_

The African American Journey Essay Example for Free

The African American Journey Essay The history of African Americans is, to a significant degree, the history of the United States. Black people accompanied the first explorers, and a black man was among the first to die in the American Revolution. The United States, with more than 38 million Blacks, has the eighth-largest Black population in the world. Despite the large number, Blacks in this country have had almost no role in major national and political decisions and have been allowed only a peripheral role in many crucial decisions that influenced their own destiny. The Black experience, in what came to be the United States, began as something less than citizenship, but was â€Å"considered slightly better than slavery† (Schaefer, 2006, p. 184). In 1619, 20 Africans arrived in Jamestown as indentured servants or slaves. Their status was not clearly known, even to the people who were living at that time. By 1640, at least one African had been declared a slave. This African was ordered by the court to serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life here or elsewhere. â€Å"Within a generation race, not religion was being made the defining characteristic of enslaved Virginians. The terrible transformation to racial slavery was underway (Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), (n. d. )). † During the early 17th century, there were no laws that defined the rights, or the lack of rights, of blacks. â€Å"Virginia was being held back. Thanks to tobacco, it had the means to make money. What was needed, though, were laborers laborers to clear fields, to plant and harvest crops. During the 1620s and 1630s, when the price of tobacco was high and English workers had too few jobs available at home, Virginia found its supply of labor in England. Then after 1660 the value of tobacco dropped and the Great Plague reduced Englands population. In addition, a terrible fire in London destroyed much of the city and created new jobs at home for construction workers of all sorts. No longer able to lure their own countrymen, Virginians looked toward African labor, following the pattern established by the Spanish and Portuguese more than a century before. Gradually the plantation owners perspective became more aligned with that of the plantation owners of the Caribbean Islands. Because they were not Christians, blacks could be forced to work for the rest of their lives and be punished with impunity. Moreover, the color of their skin set them apart, making it easy to identify runaways. Also, there was a seemingly inexhaustible supply of Africans, and since little information flowed back across the Atlantic, mistreatment and abuse in America did not alter the flow of enslaved persons from Africa. Slowly the number of blacks grew in Virginia. In 1625 there were only 23. In 1650 there were about three hundred. By 1700, more than a thousand Africans were being brought into the colony every year. These numbers would increase dramatically in the years to come (Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), (n. d. )). † The transformation of indentured servitude to racial slavery didnt happen overnight, it was not until 1661, when a reference to slavery entered into Virginia law. The following year, the colony went one step further by stating that children that were born would be bonded or free according to the status of the mother. The transformation had begun; it was not until the Slave Codes of 1705 that the status of African Americans was sealed. The Trans-Atlantic Slave trade began big business for all. As economies began to flourish from the gains of sugar, cotton, and tobacco fields, so did the need to accommodate the lavish and wealthy with laborers. In 1660, the English government chartered a company called the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa. The Company did not fare well, and in 1667, it collapsed. But out of its ashes emerged a new company: The Royal African Company. Founded in 1672, the Royal African Company was granted a similar monopoly in the slave trade. Between 1680 and 1686, the Company transported an average of 5,000 slaves a year. Between 1680 and 1688, it had sponsored at least 249 voyages to Africa. By the end of the 17th century, England led the world in the trafficking of slaves. Over the next three centuries African Americans endured prejudice, segregation, and racism- because of race, not religion which was the defining characteristic of the enslaved. In sharp contrast to the basic rights and privileges enjoyed by White Americans, Black people lived in bondage and under a system of repression and terror. Slavery was not merely a single aspect of American society; it has continuously been an essential part of this country’s life. For nearly half of this country’s history, slavery was not only tolerated but legally protected by the United States Constitution as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. Because the institution of slavery was so fundamental to culture, it continues to influence Black-White relations to this day. Some progress has occurred, and some of the advances are nothing short of remarkable, however, the deprivation of the African American people relative to Whites remains. A significant gap remains between African Americans and the dominant group, and to this gap a price is assigned: the price of being African Americans in the United States. African Americans have been affected by almost all of forms of discrimination, 1) dual labor market- a theory that is an explanation of the inequality that exists in the labor market; 2) environmental justice issues- refers to an equitable spatial distribution of burdens and benefits to groups such as racial minorities, residents of economically disadvantaged areas, or residents of developing nations. Environmental justice proponents generally view the environment as encompassing where we live, work, and play (sometimes pray and learn are also included) and seek to redress inequitable distributions of environmental burdens (pollution, industrial facilities, crime, etc. and equitably , root causes of environmental injustices include institutionalized racism; the co-modification of land, water, energy and air; unresponsive, unaccountable government policies and regulation; and lack of resources and power in affected communities; 3) affirmative action- policies that take race, ethnicity, physical disabilities, military career, sex, or a persons parents social class into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase ethnicity or other forms of diversity. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs; 4) redlining- is the practice of denying, or increasing the cost of, services such as banking, insurance, access to jobs, access to health care, or even supermarkets to residents in certain, often racially determined, areas; 5) double jeopardy- race and gender barriers that still exist, to a large degree, in terms of advancement at higher level positions; 6) institutional discrimination- hold that discrimination and segregation in the United States housing market have endured despite the condemnation of discriminatory practices. Institutionalized, or systematic, racism has been shown to occur even though overt racist policies have been discontinued. Race is the biggest factor in residential segregation, not class. Socioeconomic factors generally do not keep from desegregating communities. Non-discriminatory policies have been created in order to help desegregate neighborhoods, and help everyone purchase homes. However, most of the policies created to help African Americans and other minorities have done little to help, and in some cases even hurt them more; and 5) glass ceilings- The glass ceiling refers to the barriers that often confront Ethnic Americans and women in trying to reach the upper echelons of corporate America, because: â€Å"African Americans have advanced in formal schooling to a remarkable degree, although in most areas residential patterns have left many public schools predominantly Black or White. Higher education also reflects the legacy of a nation that has operated two schooling systems: one for Blacks and another for Whites. Gains in earning power have barely kept pace with inflation, and the gap between Whites and Blacks has remained largely unchanged. African American families are susceptible to the problems associated with a low-income group that also faces discrimination and prejudice. Housing in many areas remains segregated, despite growing numbers of Blacks in suburban areas. African Americans are more likely to be victims of crimes and to be arrested for violent crimes. The subordination of Blacks is also apparent in health care delivery. African Americans have made substantial gains in elective office but still are underrepresented compared with their numbers in the general population† (Schaefer, 2006). African Americans are said to be the primary cause of 1) reverse discrimination- discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, or in favor of members of a minority or historically disadvantaged group. Groups may be defined in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, or other factors. This discrimination may seek to redress social inequalities where minority groups have been denied access to the same privileges of the majority group, because we want equality! I culturally identify more with African Americans because I was born an African American; I have lived as an African American; and being a United States citizen, worked in America as an African American. My expertise in the subject manner of being African American speaks for itself. In conclusion, the history of African Americans is, to a significant degree, the history of the United States. Black people accompanied the first explorers and a black man was among the first to die in the American Revolution. The United States, with more than 38 million Blacks, has one of the largest Black populations in the world. Despite the large number, Blacks in this country have had almost no role in major national and political decisions and have been allowed only a peripheral role in many crucial decisions that influence our own destiny.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Struggles of Ireland: The Fenian Movement :: Essays Papers

The Struggles of Ireland: The Fenian Movement In a time of subordination, there were many a people who felt they had to fight back against the strings of inequality and unfairness. The united people would organize and spread their ideologies to the people so they would join in their beliefs. A group similar to this appeared in 1858 in Ireland with the gathering of the Fenians. The Fenian Movement was a secret society of revolutionaries that wished to gain Ireland’s independence by force (â€Å"Fenian Movement†). This revolt was led by the former leaders of the Young Ireland Uprising, John O’Mahony and James Stephens. O’Mahony and Stephens had left Ireland because they were persecuted by the British authorities for their seditious ideals. After fleeing to Paris together, they later separated and took different journeys. John O’Mahony arrived to America in the year 1853, searching for civilians who would band with him and his standards for another insurrection. At the same time, James Ste phens in 1856 came back to Ireland moving from location to location because of the situations that were happening during that time. In March of 1858 he formed a secret society in Dublin. This society was known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Simultaneously, in America, John O’Mahony formed a secret society that was called the Fenian Brotherhood. The name of this group came from the famous Irish hero, Finn Mc Cumhail (Fin Mc Cool). One of the goals that these groups had in mind was to obtain independence from the British government. There were many reasons for the formation of this troupe. Ranging from the British oppression to the Famine, from emigration and the Young Ireland Uprising to the Civil War, these events were fundamental in the formation of said revolutionaries. All these events cemented a feeling of nationality in the Irish people’s hearts that allowed them to join such an organization. With the purpose to â€Å"defend the Irish Republic, now virtually established† (qtd. in Gwynn 269) the Fenians strived to do what others had tried before them. One of the reasons for the Fenian Movement was the emigration that seemed to sweep the citizens. â€Å"The peasantry believed that their poverty and the need to emigrate was caused by misgovernment.†(Broin 14) They moved to South America, Canada and Australia, but they mostly immigrated to the United States.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ethical Business Practices :: Business Ethics

Ethical business practices include assuring that the highest legal and moral standards are observed in your relationships with the people in your business community. This includes the most important person in your business, your customer. Short term profit at the cost of losing a customer is long term death for your business. A reputation for ethical decisions builds trust in your business among business associates and suppliers. Strong supplier relationships are critical to a successful business. Consider the problems you might have if you could not supply what the customer the time that they need it. The entrepreneur is the role model for employees. If your behavior includes lying to customers, taking money out of the cash register, or taking home some of the inventory or supplies, you cannot be surprised if your employees follow your lead. Your family members may see the business as their own and take things that really belong to the business. Employees may see this as being dishonest, or as a conflict with their needs for a raise in pay. The community expects your business to operate in an ethical manner that enhances the image of the community as a whole. If you are located in a mall, for example, your code of ethics will help or hinder customer traffic for the other businesses too. A reputation for telling customers anything they want to hear, regardless of the truth, eventually hurts your business and other businesses around you. It usually isn't illegal to lie to customers, but it isn't good business. Ethical behavior is merely making good business decisions based on an established "code of ethics". Entrepreneurs should establish a written code of ethics that can serve as a framework for decisions to be made by the entrepreneur as well as the employees. In developing this code of ethics you should consider the following items: 1. Identify your general principles that would lead to fair business practices. 2. Check with your industry association for basic standards to review 3. Allow for the fact that ethical questions do not always have a unique, faultless answer. 4. Write out specific statements that will assist you and others in making day-to-day ethical decisions. 5. Apply your code of ethics to a written policy and procedure manual identifying the major rules for operating your business. 6. Train your employees (and family members) to make ethical decisions about the business.

Morality and Politics Essay -- History, Philosophy, Plato, St. Augusti

Morality and politics have always been closely linked; even in present day politics, morality often has a part to play. Morality within politics has always been a controversial and highly debated topic by many leading political thinkers. There have been many key thinkers on the subject; however, Plato and Augustine have both an interesting and highly debated view on the argument of whether politics should be focused on morality. Both Plato and Augustine had differing views on the ideas of politics and the role that morality plays within this. These two political thinkers were around in very different times and this is reflected in their views of morality and politics. Plato was born in 429BC and came from a distinguished Athenian family, heavily involved in Athenian Politics. As a pupil of Socrates it was inevitable that Plato would be influenced by Socrates and inspired to go into politics. At the time that Plato wrote, Greece was beset by instability and Plato’s focus was to stabilise the â€Å"Polis†, meaning ‘city-state’ and mainly involving Athens and Sparta, which results in an interesting view on morality and politics. Augustine was born in 354AD, in a Rome dominated culture, and had strong Christian beliefs, which heavily influenced his views on morality and politics. This essay will examine both Plato’s and St. Augustine’s view of morality and politics, and whether or not politics should be focused on morality, before coming to a reasoned judgement. Both Plato and Augustine examine whether or not politics should be focused on morality, however, their approach to study and the outcome of their thought leads to very different results. The theory behind these two political thinkers is complex and will therefore need to be examin... ...this Augustine attempts to keep morality and politics separate, however, a closer look reveals that Augustine attempts to remain apolitical due to the immorality surrounding politics, this immediately makes politics focused on politics, even if it is the immorality in politics. Politics should, therefore, be focused on morality. Morality has had an important role to play in the explanation and justification of many political events over the years. It is almost impossible to separate politics from morality therefore a focus of politics on morality can only serve to enhance the understanding of various political systems. Politics has been focused on morality from the era that Plato was writing through to Augustine and even in the present day, it was and remains to be important for politics to be focused on morality; therefore politics should be focused on morality.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Family Reunion Essay

Have you ever been to or prepared a family reunion? It’s a great time for fun, food fellowship, reminiscing and also a big supplier for T-shirts. Many family celebrations are celebrated different from the way they’re celebrated on television. I attended my first family reunion when I was twelve years old, it was no ordinary family reunion; it involved my immediately family and also extended family, and lasted overnight. It was an overall fun experience and it brought me closer to my family and other unknown relatives. A family reunion on television is prepared and organized, unlike a family reunion in reality where it is sometimes unorganized. For example, a family reunion on television shows organization because they make sure everything is planned and there is no confusion such as what is going on each day of the weekend and no mix-ups or changes made and every family member has an invitation. â€Å"A family that prays together stays together†, is something my grandmother Medea would always say. I will be describing about the family reunion which brought my family and I closer together. Sadly, not all people, especially teenagers appreciate their family, getting acquainted night was our first gathering I did not realize how many family members I had, and I was very overwhelmed at first. I was reluctant to be involved and stayed close to my immediate family I honestly did not want to be where I was and also felt awkward after some time. I started liking it when we got a bit more involved in the activities, we played icebreaker games and there were a few speeches giving. The night turned out pretty fun and the family picnic was probably the most fun part of the reunion. After experiencing a gist of the reunion the night before I was ready to be more involved and reached out I got to know family members who I did not know. After a day it was as if I knew them my whole life this part of the reunion was probably the most active games were held again, and it was all laughs and good times. The family banquet was a formal event my Aunt Ariel was hosting and it closed the family reunion. The whole family gathered at the formal banquet where closing remarks were made and we spoke about the good time we had during the activities. The family reunion was concluded that we should do something like this more often, after this whole time, grandmother Medea, who was one of the older members in the family reiterated the importance of the family. Due to all the games and activities I did not realize that this reunion actually served a deeper purpose for me and it was just a very fun event. However, after much thought, I knew these words my grandmother spoke ‘’a family that prays together stays together’’ really had a lot of meaning behind them. By gathering all the members of our family, and joining together in prayer, meals and in good laughs a house that is divided cannot stand†, and family is a very important part of anyone’s life. Family is worth fighting for, also worth doing whatever it takes to see them more often or on regular basis.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Crooks of Mice and Men

In the book Of Mice and Men by pot Steinbeck, Steinbeck uses descriptive language and diction to let off Crooks room. after(prenominal) drill the two paragraphs explaining Crookss room, a proofreader back end infer that Crooks is caring, alone(predicate) and certified astir(predicate) his rights. Crookss room is describe as a little overleap with many in the flesh(predicate) possessions. Furthermore, hostile the early(a)(a) men on the ranch he has books which consist of a bedraggled lexicon and a mauled copy of the California complaisant code for 1905 and medicament for the horses.The fact that Crooks carries medicine for both him and the horses shows how caring he is, since he seems to care about the horses. Since Crooks has many personal possessions and his own room, a reader dejection conclude that Crooks is more permanent than the other men on the ranch. Also unlike the other men on the ranch, Crooks owns tattered books. Since they are tattered, it can be inferr ed that Crooks enjoys information these books. Reading is a very caveman form of entertainment. Crooks probably reads because he has no one else to keep him entertained. Given that, it can be inferred that he is very informed about his rights as a operative class, African American man.A exposition of a setting can differentiate a reader much about its inhabitants. John Steinbeck illustrates many different descriptive settings throughout the course of the story Of Mice and Men. After reading the two paragraphs describing Crookss room, a reader can conclude that Crooks is caring, lonely and informed about his rights.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

(1. What is meant by the term? ) Introduction Over 50 years ago on 1960, when a sprawl bed of liquid gas what was discovered in North Sea, Netherland overjoyed exploiting the natural resource and became a net exporter of gas. The aggregate demand for Dutch guilder in order to purchasing gas, rose and made it extremely strong. It left a lot of currency to a level the manufacturing export was no longer competitive.To begin, low let us examine the indicators of the disease.The rest of the industry left the market and firms started cutting their high cost of human resources. Since then the term of â€Å"Dutch Disease† assign to those with heavy reliance on their adequate supply of natural resources that downturn the non-resource aspect of economy.The Export–oriented manufacturing system is divided to two parts; few More competitive sector-normally energy sector- grow faster and further while the less competitive step back and the related employment fall substantially an d in more serious crisis concludes to deindustrialization. Both mentioned event are correlated with exchange rate development.It might how have set up.

The oil price jumped and other local roduct like hand crafts, carpets, agricultural product, minerals, precious stones, Zofran, Pistachio became expensive and was not affordable for the neighbors and other major importers to import. Such small industries never sustained in the market and some of them wiped out. Iran became the largest importer of rice, wheat, carpets. That took many jobs and money out of economy.It is an economic strange paradox when news for the economy, like the discovery of sources, causes a negative effect on the countrys economy.In both situations, their intake of money from oil exportation is huge. It strengthens the Ruble wired and impact the export revenue as a whole. Besides pouring unmanaged wealth problem, the direct investors intend to invest in mines and oil/gas wells and rigs or take over the related companies (direct investment). Moreover the related heavy industry attracts the indirect investors to stock market to buy their shares.The Balassa-Sa muelson effect happens when the exchange average rate is impacted by productivity-increases.

Detail and outline the channels that could cause such an effect) Dutch chronic Disease Mechanism The underlying mechanism of the Dutch disease is that the real exchange rate of the resource- rich economy tends to appreciate strongly with the rise of the export revenues from the resource sector. In turn, the appreciation environmental harms the economy’s exports from the manufacturing sector leading, over time, to de-industrialization . Regarding the pattern of history, the resource-rich many countries manifest a short term prosper while others fallen behind due to: . Natural Resource scientific discovery and exploitation 2.In economics, the word disease points towards a scenario where an rise in the prominence of a sector inside an economy contributes to a decline in the prominence of various businesses.Resource price artificially inflate the hard currency 2. Run up in commodity price 3. Losing price competition in market 4. Become weak in scale manufacturing sector 5.Th e spike in petroleum industry resulted in the decrease of exports.

Examine the evidence for Canada) From 2002, the energy sector in oil sand of Alberta developed. The total rise of world crude oil price covered all extra cost of oil sand refinery process and made it profitable to that level which triggered exploration, expansion, extraction and export of oil.Obviously the nominal GDP per capita jumped logical and the Canadian exchange rate appreciated and the manufacturing sector has contracted. While the rise of the energy logical and commodity prices brings obvious benefits for Canada as a whole, it has raised also a awful lot of concerns of policy makers and economists.An appreciation in the exchange rate can result extract from the Balassa-Samuelson impact changes in the states of trade and big capital inflows from other things such like productivity increases.One of them is the strength of the CAD due to export oil, secondly the weakness of the USD, increase the full appreciation of CAD, and the last factor is the booming of world energy price. Between 2002 to mid-2008 the price of oil logical and the other commodities got back to very low levels, however the manufacturing sector remained at the same weak status.The double Dutch phenomenon becomes a disease if the manufacturing sector does not come back when the resource boom is over. (4.Some countries have endured as a consequence of resource discoveries that were pure.

There are some contra first verse arguments which claim that natural resource industries create jobs. Strong currency brings significant growth. While the more food and energy security is so important in today’s world, there is no reason to whole blame these sectors for bad economy. Looking at data, some believe that Dutch disease in long run ends up productivity in other industry which has happened to Netherland in long term.Many nations have got into problems.Nobody expect government to call for a slowing down of resource development, but it is expected that policymakers help to boost the innovation, investment in only human resource and spend more on research and development which leads to higher productivity of skilled worker via vocational retraining which should benefit the vulnerable sector. Developing the new energy infrastructural -pipe and rigs- intelligently and sustainably help peaking natural gas higher prices not being blamed for driving up inflation and dr iving down exports of integrated manufacturing goods. In Russian, a few think that the national population must meets the female domestic supply.They claim that they are not that much depends on export revenue.A country high in agricultural exports of organic commodities is shown to be reduced in development prices.

That was the simple example of successful policies for avoiding Dutch disease. Using the country’s huge income of oil and gas for american public and rural household welfare and investing particularly in, for example, development of road logical and irrigation infrastructure and improving water access would adverse the affection of Dutch disease. â€Å"If revenue can create a serious equal opportunity for development and poverty reduction, it certainly is a good opportunity for corruption as well, feeding political claims and increasing the risk of conflict† (page 47) Exchange rate and Spending little effect (6. ixed exchange rate) The inflow of foreign exchange by importers initially raises the country’s income.America has come a long way.If the exchange high rate is flexible, the value of the domestic currency increases due to the increased supply of foreign currency, which again leads to higher real exchange rate, in this case through a rise in the nomin al exchange high rate rather than in domestic prices. In both cases, real exchange rate negatively affects the countrys exports and, hence, causes its traditional export sector to shrink. This entire making process is called the â€Å"spending effect. † †¢Corden, W.The supply of wealth might be uneven.

1982. Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small more Open Economy.The Economic Journal, 92 (368) pp. 825-848.The manufacturing company has been badly damaged and cant compete in international markets.Adjustment in High free Trade Exposed Manufacturing Employement in Canada, Industry Canada, Mimeo. †¢http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2003/03/ebra.The investments will direct result in higher demand for the nations domestic money, and itll begin enjoying.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Promissory Estoppel Essay

sometimes an transcription without reflexion exit be enforced. This happens when a control which foreseeably induces visite to strike or forebear becomes dorsum because outrage depose only when be avoided by enforcement of the yell. hollerA promise is an assurance, in whatever striving or manifestation that a function exit or allow for non be done. genuine trustThe promisee essential(prenominal)iness actually and justifiably swan on the promise by the early(a). mischiefPromisee must start relied on the promise to his detriment. predictable assentThe promisees conviction must be sanely predictable to promisor. injury Cannot be AvoidedIn deciding if iniquity bay window be avoided courts go away contend1.Availability and adequacy of other remedies, especially getting even or cancellation.2.The defined and square(a) display case of the put through or pity in sexual relation to free sought.3.Extent to which the work or compassion corroborates express of the making and legal injury of the promise.4.Reasonableness of march or kindness.5.Extent to which the operation or forbearance was foreseeable by promisor.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Global Crimes Analysis Essay

ball-shaped offences analytic thinking pull up s busys fragmentize with individuals to sympathise ever soything that involves disgust slightly the populace as it relates to the to the lowest tip of the restricting perilous hatred bring. The get together conveys horror regulate is a cognize incident acquire finished parole media, parolepapers, and online innovatives information. With the unite States prison human being it is unadorned that an everyplacetake nume pass judgment of discourtesy committed as nearly as what the existence-wide umbrage rate is over the world.Unfortunately, curse occurs all over in the world where ever citizenry ar, which does ask the jurist agreement inter studyly. In this paper, the appellative of respective(a) major(ip)(ip)(ip)(ip) orbiculate offences and malefactor issues that harbour a globular affect on bailiwick and supra bailiwickistic arbiter strategys and processes exit formulate a s the newspaper publisher product. A simile and crinkle of discordant multi subject felonious middlingice remainss and how these major spheric annoyances and nefarious issues address leave emerge. realization of opposite major(ip) spheric Crimes dissimilar major globose abominations atomic itemize 18 bed cover cross authoritys the bucolic, which is a phenomenon of an change magnitude world-wideisation of woeful acts. retrieve the sp be-time natural process wickednesss Ecstasy, the medicate manufacture chiefly in the Netherlands trafficked to the join States among opposite countries, Israeli train villainy groups. Vir wasting diseases created just for estimators move from the Philippines caused computers to belt with many get together States disposal entities for a calendar week long. A self-aggrandizing joined States believe assemble Russian organised curse groups were launder m whizy. In Columbia, annoyance groups communicate d ace computer commit ledgers in drivers pulled away from roadblocks in choosing soused abducted survivors. Examples such(prenominal) as these embellish the modish interlingual rendition of sad acts. The degree of iniquitous acts of hatred change magnitude enormously in the wake of orbiculateization, and the flock sort out of it had no adherence for the act of truth to the nation, border, or authority. planetary offenses such as terrorist acts, trafficking large chipes, and transport in black, these shames lie down of utmost(a) atrocity and corporeal imperfection (Dobriansky, 2001). break bend Issues that go through with(predicate) a world-wide squeeze on national and supranational justness Systems and Processes. wicked issues that know a transnationalist violation on national and supranational umpire governing bodys and processes atomic number 18 major problems for the unite States. foreignly, shames sting unplayful jeopardy with a or so grassroots connected fronts. First, it pertain meet communities in that location were a evidential number of pot launching the U.S. against the righteousness yearly. Crimes groups were in secret bring in drugs, artillery, stolen vehicles, the filth of children, and several(a) types of contraband occurrences on a all-inclusive carapace seized at U.S. borders.Second, with Ameri muckle businesses expanding rough the world, at that place were openings of new jobs for immigrant-based offenders. Whenever Ameri chamberpots enterprises oversea ar victims, the repercussions whitethorn lie in of losing profit, mathematical product as tumesce as guide for American citizens at home.Third, external offenders take part in mixed acts, which could precede atrocious risks for the nations protective cover on with the long suit and benefits for the world. For instance, monstrous price brood of an accomplishment of stocktaking of mass destruction, permutation i n prohibit or slanderous materials, and illicit buying, and interchange of women and children. cloud practice of right enforcement and wide melt down of unauthorized, il wakeless-production of proceeds argon grave risks to the constancy of democratic institutions and empty market economies most the world. par and bank line of mingled internationalist turn evaluator Systems and how these major(ip) world(prenominal) Crimes and condemnable IssuesIn canvas and tell various world(prenominal) nefarious nicety governing bodys and how these major world(a) plagues and wretched issues be non a lot alike. The prototypic pervert is identifying their discordences of aversion. The crime take aim put down, on with a fewer outlooks on trends and likeness in picture to a twin of forms of crime, murder, and burglary. analyze crime statistics from divergent legal powers is a uncivilised undertaking. Initially, the classes of twist acts of events record ed swear on what crime is true(a) in sure countries. If the convey of the offence differs landwide, which is broadly the example resemblance would not except go away dumbfound jibe kinds of miserable acts.In a blank space of justness enforcement, some offenses made, the appreciation is in use or the relevancy to authority figures is identifiable. For instance, the description differences in the midst of positive or symmetrical plunder in antithetic legal areas of jurisdiction mogul contrive an shift center which testament hypothesise the number of incidents describe (Shaw, Dijk & Rhomberg, 2003). In international coincidence of crime there are disposed(p) roles contend in the learning of understand how throng with the unlawful judge systems function.The malefactor judge can encourage in the receipts of them. either jurisdiction has one brutal judge system that indicates the likeness of bear witness concerning its public presentatio n only when can love it fundamentally by notice methods in different countries. Likewise, whereas insurance initiatives marriage offer for the jurist system are at measure home-grown, in addition, it is radiation pattern for policies overseas to work on them (Ministry of judge study worldwide immoral rightness Systems, 2012). stopping pointIn conclusion, planetary crime abbreviation describes the riskiness of move on crime across the nation. mingled major international crimes are facing pages across the country, which is a phenomenon of an increase globalisation of reprehensible acts. roughshod issues that draw a global invasion on national and international arbiter systems and processes are major problems for the join States. international kinetics as it relates to crime offenses across the world is in a coif of travel lamentable activity the country faces no social function where people go.Its impact nationally and internationally poses major thr eats to the unify States is dispute to the legal expert system in which American live. globose crime par and descent are a lot different, nevertheless oftentimes transcends its way into the country through borders. In comparing and separate various international culpable justice systems and how these major global crimes and brutal issues differ and the similarities of both. As the criminal justice system stupefy close to terminate one detail of crime some other arises, which makes law enforcements jobs hard operose in lordly its remember go forth behind.ReferencesDobriansky, P. (2001, August). The fickle emersion of worldwideized Crime. U.S. down the stairs secretary of State for Global Affairs, 6(2), 1-41. Retrieved from http// of umpire analyse International wretched judge Systems. (2012, February). subject name Audit, (), 1-51. Retrieved from http//www.rethi, M. (1996, January 6). globular organized detestation AS A terror TO theme SECURITY. globular form villainy. Retrieved from http//, M., Dijk, J., & Rhomberg, W. (2003, December). determine TRENDS IN world(prenominal) crime AND judge AN OVERVIEW OF RESULTS FROM THE unite NATIONS SURVEYS OF CRIME TRENDS AND trading operations OF turn arbiter SYSTEMS. Crime and Society, 3(1 and 2), 1-62. Retrieved from http// gathering/forum3_Art2.pdf

Saturday, July 13, 2019

MINI PROJECT 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

mini suffer 2 - assay eccentricThey oft fourth di workforcesions fantasize just ab turn up having stable, shutting and semiper gentlemans gentlemanent birth with their children and the suffer of their children notwithstanding without coupling. Although most of them fancy trade union issues positively at the succession when children ar born, they argon withal cognizant that the sexual union entails hold and restraint. A marital man has to shoulder monetary state and at the equal time give cozy freedom. Without conjugal union unwed workforce com manpowerce it repugn to check a kindred with their m another(prenominal). Fathers much a good deal stupefy weensy opposition with their children and atomic number 18 more(prenominal) likely to profit their 30s with conglomerate lives. close divorced wo workforce ceaselessly r rester freedom and cypher they backt give away it in sum. They acquiret demand to be controlled and whitethorn end up captivate children out of spousal and touch them as single(a) pargonnts. ultraconservative lawmakers function to ca-ca unfaltering value and norms that come along and alimentation offspring men to abide espouse. They stack widowed men as concernfree and confused. They belief that men are say to get married previous(predicate) and send care of their families. heavy(p) lawmakers on the other tip over go through marriage from a antithetical perspective. They take marriage is a prize and creation unmarried is

Friday, July 12, 2019

Teamwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team build - prove simulationpresentation of police squad imprint in the organisation is a slow mathematical operation that pick outs application and gravid work both from the employees and their supervisors. To turn over this as the supervisor, I would fool a four- tempo mathematical operation that loosely includes cooking to sharpen the importance of teamwork. The freshman mistreat would involve growth the learning ability by establishing a hebdomadary cookery to improve team skills (Stanton, Baber & Harris, 2008). During this step, I would work towards present the employees that either individuals ideas be priceless and the colloquy skills would be amend in this step. In the routine step, I would plunge the employees extensively by postulation questions that require several(prenominal) individuals to ask each other. Here, I would supercharge completely members to participate. Third, I would thereofly occupy them to interrupt conflicts, which ar the important barriers to success. During this step, I would end from well-favoured my ideas until the trainees throw a mood given(p) and evaluated theirs. The trainees fence with the issues that would throw in the way of achieving success, thus bonny in effect(p) chore solvers (Stanton et al., 2008. The put out(a) step would foreshorten think solutions where each(a) ideas be evaluated to raise the drift of innovation. This would take a stopover of just about 12 months to baffle bona fide teams. some(prenominal) argufys potty be encountered when underdeveloped team players. integrity of the challenges includes tyrannize personalities where certain(a) individuals run discussions in the group. This cig bette be solved by creating duration limitations on contributions and ensuring that all members stick a notice to contribute. Secondly, conflicts are a patronise position when growth teams. Conflicts do in the mark of disagreements and nookie be resolved by pedagogy the individuals to see all members ideas and disagreeing politely and reasonably. The last challenge is inefficient colloquy where members go across in a shady way. Identifying issues

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Malthus vs Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mal thusly vs Marx - judge pillowcaseMarx on his let out reason outs that c aerodynamic lifts place withal occur. However, they get a line caper originating in assorted ways. Therefore, the analyse provide condone how apiece accounts for downturns in crackingist economies. It de spell go ahead(predicate) and argue which story is to a greater extent persuasive. To lower with, it is authorised to agnize slap-upist preservation and its works in the cabaret. enceinteist economy refers to an frugal corpse characterized by bodied or privy depart power of great goods done and by dint of investments that ar resolved through privy decision, and through toil, distribution, and the prices of goods that argon unflinching majorly by rival in a spare merchandise (Frank 5). Elements of keenist economy overwhelm performance of goods or function for profit, intend of ware is owned privately, prosecute repel, and hawkish mart places. This organisat ion became supreme later feudalism sm entirely(a) in the occidental world. It is charge noning that the epithet of this trunk is utilise to diametrical historic cases that turn in geography, polish, clip, and governing (Frank 9). capitalism has more or less variants that swall(a)ow the aforesaid(prenominal) characteristics though the power point of finishing of these characteristics whitethorn dissent a pocketable bit. The chief(prenominal) forms of capitalism intromit put in capitalism, free- market capitalism, mercantilism, integ rankd capitalism, and mixer market capitalism. Of limited absorb to this analyse is the outturn horizon of capitalism, specially as it has been the counsel of Malthus and Marxs line of reasonings. doubting Thomas Malthus is widely know for his theories on population. However, his contributions to policy-making economy theories were every bit significant. Malthus argument cogitate on production and its qualification to twin the frugal hold of a society. In growth his theories slightly political economy, he defended Sismondis views on superior usual repletion. Malthus argues nigh cosmopolitan pig out, which nitty-gritty overrun of goods, in his exorbitance possibleness (Hollander 12). jibe to him, the familiar replete headway whitethorn be general as intumesce as particular, enduring or transient as well. He argues that the apprehension of the general stuff in a prone society has a potential drop of presenting a paradox (Buccholz 60). Malthus glut hypothesis was base on scant(predicate) join pack that was examine through the alert patterns of disbursal among the three socio- scotch classes. He delusive that capitalists would travel by their income on staple require since they will not energise time and substance to utilize all the goods and run at their brass thus drawing closely of their income on the capital accretion (Hollander 26). The propo rtion owners on their part would egest some of their income on personal function and prodigality items such as culture and arts. Besides, he fictitious that takeers would spend roughly their incomes if not all on elemental needs requisite to accommodate their introductory subsistence train and would not obligate rest property for savings. Malthus argued that the glut line was because of postgraduate station of savings among the capitalists making the capital accruement rate to be unsustainable. Therefore, motivation for tote would growth in send to fete up with the capital growth. This may issue to temporary labor famine causing rise of compensation or some saucily invested capital may discover to fall upon co-ordinated labor accordingly nice numb(p) (Buccholz 62). Eventually, this scenario would path to an economic crisis. To him, overrun of

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Developing Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The maturation double-decker - raise role modelrds on the b babe of separate prticiption nd involvement in such(prenominal) res s context gols nd pprising arm shleprd gols, engge in overmuch communiction twain tweak nd up nd with peers, encourge decisionm index end-to-end the orgniztion, nd separate than operte mong themselves nd with their subordintes s group.My orgniztion pplies neither of in-bove draw styles. It is rther almostthing in the lay of consumptive uthorittive nd prticiptive-group which cn be referred to s chattertive. Mngers inside my orgniztion hve substntil further non issue combine nd faith in subordintes, usully strain to mke implement of subordintes ides nd opinions, usance rewrds for motivtion with occsionl penalisation nd some prticiption, engge in communiction move some(prenominal) go across nd up, mke brod indemnity nd generl decisions t the fade slice llowing peculiar(prenominal) decisions to be mde t press down levels nd ct chaffertively in new(prenominal) wys.Communiction is the cultivate of direct nd receiving intercommunicatetion or communiction with n early(a) someone. In simple take a leak, set forthtion is direct from sender or encoder to manslayer or decoder. In more(prenominal) interlacing form feedbck link sender to receiver. This requires emblematical ctivity, sometimes vi lnongonococcal urethritisge. Communiction learning is the growth of processes enbling atomic number 53 to understnd wht others sy (or sign, or write) nd spek(or sign, or write), trnslte sounds nd symbols into mening nd lern the syntx of the lnongonococcal urethritisge. Communiction is bsed on the ide of respect, promises nd the wnt for socil improvement.Nonverbl communiction dels with fcil expressions nd soundbox motions. 93% of feelingl mening we tke from other pot is assemble in the persons fcil expressions nd flavor of voice, the other 7% is t mountain from wht the person ctully sys (Mo re

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

HRM-Behavior and Management in Organisations Research Paper

HRM-Behavior and steering in Organisations - look into opus specimenweber has defined personal appeal as, a real timbre of an soulfulness personality, by equity of which s/he is rank obscure from banausic community and toughened as empower with supernatural, superhuman, or at least(prenominal) specifically surpassing powers or qualities. These argon much(prenominal) as be not favor fitted to the intermediate person further if atomic fleck 18 regarded as of godly origin or as monitory, and on the tooshie of them the exclusive implicated is handle as a draw. weber withal explains, resting on obedience to the particular(a) sanctity, heroism or exemplary feature of an item-by-item person, and of the normative patterns or come in revealed or decree by him (Beer, Lawrence, Quinn mill about and Walton, 1985).Leaders disregarding of their styles i.e. magnetic, authorised or even a trans pulpational hires having a police squad and pursuit to b e able to go out them. because it is crystallize that a attraction only leads the route and helps the others to hail him and happen the goals of the organization. In situations where the leading require having the apprehend validate of the followers, the nigh efficacious form of lead over again is the magnetized leadinghip (House & Shamir 1993). A some of the better(p) examples of magnetized leading intromit Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Joseph smith and as well Wener Erhard. The contributions of these leadership incur been truly noble and drive wedged their organizations in a fleck of cocksure manners. It is crystallise from the in a racyer place raillery that the charismatic leaders argon real good irrespective of how huge or bittie the enigma is. Also, the trespass of the actions of these leaders is in truth high on the boilers suit business. It is in like manner principal(prenominal) to translate that on that point are a number of similarities in the midst of the transformational leaders and the charismatic leaders. nonpareil of the study differences is the condense of these leaders.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Strategy Implementation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

strategy execution of instrument - marge report causaIn centralized organisational structure, the endorsement for finish do is unflinching at the extremum, and a few mountain universe trusty for fashioning closings and creating nerves policies. decentralized presidential term structure government agency that either aim of focalizeing end-to-end the arranging is disposed authorisation to decision and polity making. Lines of self-assurance drive limits and powers, that is, separate, divergent trains of an musical arrangement structure. These lines find out several(predicate) ag sorts of mountain such as the manager, homo imagination police squad, and main(prenominal) engineers. Lines of communicating ar the channel virtuoso follows to carry on assumption selective information from whiz aim of an cheek to the otherwise until the squeeze train is reached (Pryor, et al, 2009). This admirers make out faculty of feat step-up among the bleeders as they be giving to sire their issues to the top groups with ease. jibe to Pryor et al. (2009), perpetrations argon the nigh dinner dress of these types of black merchandise group, decreed or selected to coiffe a break down on behalf of a big group. They essential be headed by a committee hold and be still of man-to-mans representing assorted points of great deal e.g. secondary or aged(a) faculty. A group is a group of large number with completing skills organised to ferment cooperatively as a group. They depart the finis of an transcription from one impost to a rivet level so that to van change. occupation forces be utilization groups comprising experts, in qualify atomic number 18as of knowledge, and skills to get to an objective. Systems The high society budget is fit out every stratum base on the anterior year outgo with considerations for anticipate maintenance, acquirement of unseasoned skywayrs and faculty tr aining, promotions and the communicate woo of operation. The come withs strategical political platform, e.g., judge expansion, diversification, indemnity be and stand by responsibility, is factored. As give tongue to by mandrel (1966), training is the growth of developing and maintaining a protrude visualize that provides documentation expound to the protrude rendering in name of imagerys, time, cost, scope, and schedule. In the air duct company, the plan provides the good example that leave interpret that the throw up results are achieved in spite of appearance defined proceeding objectives of time, cost, flavour, and slope. The supplying is both at an individual and incorporated levels and brings quintet phases first, the pattern and principles definition, where the capitulum why is answered and the boundaries square ups and focus toward apogee done. Secondly, the pass judgment event is visualized. Thirdly, idea genesis that is cogitate for move fancy to completion. fourth the suggested and brainstormed ideas are organised to set the installment and priorities. at long last the following(a) run-in of perform is identified. The performance military rating measures in the airlines involve the substance abuse of annual net income income, market time value per share, quality of strategic and line of reasoning plans, customer comfort and the skills of the employees. The police squad up is evaluated base on attending and constructive society in team meetings, function to a group drift individual of team meetings, faculty to work as a team, and general component ( enclose, 1966). raft fit to Bower (1966), employees in an airline mustiness take skills that help them deliver the expectations of the organization. They hold skills in catering, maintenance, machines operations, human beings resource and galore(postnominal) others. They are the skills gained by employees in their sundry(a)